Workshop Proceedings
Kar, B., Fu, G., Mohebbi, S., Ye, X., & Omitaomu, O. A. Proceedings of the ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Advances in Resilient and Intelligent Cities (ARIC), ISBN:978-1-4503-9116-0, 2018-2022.
Edited Book
Mahdavi, I., Mohebbi, S., and Cho, N., (2011). “Electronic Supply Network Coordination in Intelligent and Dynamic Environments: Modeling and Implementation“, IGI Global, ISBN13: 9781605668086
IISE Magazine
Mohebbi, S., (2020). “How can decentralization be leveraged towards enhancing coordination in consolidated hospital systems?”, Aug. Issue, 52-53.
Journal Publications
- Momeni, B., Mohebbi, S., (2025). “Differential game theoretic models for designing water conservation incentives”, Decision Analysis, [IF: 2.5]
- Murali, P.S., Mohebbi, S., Zaman, M., (2025). “Resilience of connected and autonomous vehicles to cyber-physical disruptions”, Simulation, [IF: 1.3; Acceptance Rate: 12.3%]
- Mohebbi, S., Aslani, B., Dsouza, M.H. (2025). “A Graph-empowered agent-based simulation: impacts of coordination schemes on critical infrastructures resilience”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 255, 110658. [IF: 9.4; Acceptance Rate: 22%; 2023 Best Track Paper Award of IISE Modeling & Simulation Division]
- Wood, T., Adkins, D., Mohebbi, S., Campbell, J., (2024). “Awakening indigenuity at George Mason University”, Science Education and Civic Engagement, 16(2), 58-61.
- McAlister, M.M., Murali, P.S., Zhang, Q., Wells, E.C., Mohebbi, S., (2024). “Improving and quantifying organizational resilience for sustainable management of critical infrastructures: a multi-level system dynamics approach”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 115, 105079. [IF: 4.2]
- Aslani, B., Mohebbi, S., Ougthon. E., (2024). “A systematic review of optimization methods for recovery planning in cyber-physical infrastructure networks: current state and future trends”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 192, 110224. [IF: 6.7]
- Aslani, B., Mohebbi, S., (2024). “Learn to decompose multi-objective optimization models for large-scale networks”, International Transactions in Operational Research, 31(2), 949-978. [IF: 3.1; Acceptance Rate: 19%]
- Aslani, B., Mohebbi, S., (2023). “Ensemble framework for causality learning with heterogeneous Directed Acyclic Graphs through the lens of optimization”, Computers and Operations Research, 152, 106148. [IF: 4.1]
- Rahimi-Golkhandan, A., Aslani, B., Mohebbi, S., (2022). “Predictive resilience of interdependent water-transportation infrastructures: a sociotechnical approach”, Socioeconomic Planning Sciences, 80, 101166. [IF: 6.2]
- Aslani, B., Mohebbi, S., (2021). “Data on predictive resilience of interdependent water-transportation infrastructures: a sociotechnical approach”, Data in Brief, 39, 107512. [IF: 1.2; Linked to the UN sustainable development goals]
- Mohebbi, S., Barnett K, Aslani B., (2021). “Decentralized resource allocation for interdependent infrastructures resilience: a cooperative game approach”, International Transactions in Operational Research, 28(6), 3394-3415. [IF: 3.1; Acceptance Rate: 19%]
- Aslani, B., Mohebbi, S., Axthelm, H., (2021). “Predictive analytics for water main breaks using spatiotemporal data”, Urban water journal, 18(6), 433-448. [IF: 2.67]
- Guo, L., Mohebbi, S., Das A, Allen JK, Mistree F., (2020), “A Framework for the Exploration of Critical Factors on Promoting Two-Season Cultivation in India”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 142(12), 124503. [IF: 2.9]
- Mohebbi, S., Li, X., Wyatt, T., (2020). “Designing an incentive scheme within a cooperative game for consolidated hospital referral systems”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 71(7), 1073-1144. [IF: 2.7; Acceptance Rate: 12%]
- Badre, A., Mohebbi, S., Soltanisehat, L., (2020). “Secure Decentralized Decisions to Enhance Coordination in Consolidated Hospital Systems”, IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 10(2), 99-112. [IF: 1.5; Acceptance Rate: 35%; Featured Article in IISE Magazine]
- Mohebbi, S., Zhang, Q., Wells, E.C., Zhao, T., Nguyen, H., Li, M., Abdel-Mottaleb, N., Uddin, S., Lu, Q., Wakhungu, M., Wu, Z., Zhang, Y., Tuladhar, A., Ou, X. (2020). “Cyber-Physical-Social interdependencies and organizational resilience: a review of water, transportation, and cyber infrastructure systems and processes, Sustainable Cities and Societies, 62, 102327. [IF: 10.5; Acceptance Rate: 9%]
- Prouty, C., Mohebbi, S., Zhang, Q., (2020). “Extreme Weather Events and Wastewater Infrastructure: A System Dynamics Model of a Multi-Level, Socio-Technical Transition”, Science of the Total Environment, 714, 136685. [IF: 8.2; Acceptance Rate: 20%]
- Mohebbi, S., Pamukcu, E., Bozdogan, H., (2019). “A new data adaptive elastic net predictive model using hybridized smoothed covariance estimators with information complexity”, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 89(6), 1060-1089. [IF: 1.3; Acceptance Rate: 19%]
- Diaz-Elsayed, N., Rezaei, N., Guo, T., Mohebbi, S., Zhang, Q., (2019). “Wastewater-based resource recovery technologies across scale: A review”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 145, 94-112. [IF: 11.2; 2021 Most Downloaded Paper Award]
- Rezaei, N., Diaz-Elsayed, N., Mohebbi, S., Xie, X., Zhang, Q. (2019). “A multi-criteria sustainability assessment of water reuse applications: A case study in Lakeland, Florida”, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 5, 102-118. [IF: 3.5]
- Karakoc, D.B., Almoghathawi, Y., Barker, K., González, A.D., Mohebbi, S., (2019). “Community resilience-driven restoration model for interdependent infrastructure networks”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 38, 101228. [IF: 4.2]
- Prouty, C., Mohebbi, S., Zhang, Q., (2018). “Socio-technical strategies and behavior change to increase the adoption and sustainability of wastewater resource recovery systems”, Water Research, 137, 107-119. [IF: 11.5]
- Mohebbi, S., Li, X., (2015). “Coalitional game theory approach to modeling suppliers’ collaboration in supply networks”, International Journal of Production Economics, 169, 333-342. [IF: 9.8]
- Li, X., Nukala, S., Mohebbi, S., (2013). “Game theory methodology for optimizing retailers’ pricing and shelf-space allocation decisions on competing substitutable products”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 68, 375-389. [IF: 2.9]
- Mohebbi, S., Li, X., (2012). “Designing intelligent agents to support long-term partnership in two-echelon e-supply networks”, Expert Systems with Applications, 39 (18), 13501-13508. [IF: 7.5]
- Mohebbi, S., Shafaei, R., (2012). “E-supply network coordination: the design of intelligent agents for buyer-supplier dynamic negotiations”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23(3), 375-391. [IF: 5.9]
- Mohebbi, S., Khatibi, V., Keramati, A., (2012). “A household Internet adoption model based on integration of technology acceptance model, theory of planned behavior, and uses and gratifications theory: an empirical study on Iranian households”, International Journal of E-Adoption, 4(1), 51-69. [IF: 0.8]
- Mohebbi, A., Shekarchi, M., Mahoutian, M., Mohebbi, S., (2011). “Modeling the effects of additives on rheological properties of fresh SCC cement paste using artificial neural network”, Computers and Concrete, 8(3), 279-292. [IF: 2.9]
- Mahdavi, I., Mohebbi, S., Zandakbari, M., Cho, N., and Mahdavi-Amiri, N., (2009). “Agent-based web service for the design of a dynamic coordination mechanism in supply networks”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 20(6), 727-749. [IF: 5.9]
- Mahdavi, I., Mohebbi, S., Cho, N., Paydar, M.M., and Mahdavi-Amiri, N., (2008). “Designing a dynamic buyer-supplier coordination model in electronic markets using stochastic petri nets”, International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, 1(3), 1-20. [IF: 0.9]
Conference Papers
- Murali, P.S., Mohebbi, S., (2024). “Hybrid Simulation and Reinforcement Learning-Based Scheduling for Resilient Infrastructure Networks”, In Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference, 786-797. [Finalist for Best Applied Paper Award; ACM-SIGSIM Best PhD Student Paper Award]
- Newar, N., Mohebbi, S., Murali, P.S., (2024). “Designing a resilient infrastructure learning game to evaluate maintenance decisions”, To Appear In Proceedings of Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM).
- Mohebbi, S., Murali, P.S., (2022). “Spatial agent-based simulation of connected and autonomous vehicles to assess impacts on traffic conditions”, In Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference, 2487-2498.
- Li. X., and Mohebbi, S., (2015). “Modeling diffusion of epidemic diseases via agent-based simulation”, In Proceedings of the IISE Annual Conference, 2156-2162.
- Li. X., Mohebbi, S., Pierce, M., Rowe, S., Stockton, D., (2014). “Development of an innovative interprofessional education program for healthcare delivery”, In Proceedings of the IISE Annual Conference, 2085-2092.